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Coloured contact lenses are a popular look this Halloween

A guide to wearing coloured contact lenses

Each year at around this time we receive a surge in enquiries for coloured contact lenses.

It’s easy to understand why, Halloween is a popular festival and who doesn’t like donning fancy dress once in a while? Striking blood red eyes are a devilishly eye catching finishing touch to any ghoulish outfit. The question that get’s asked most often by non contact lens wearers is; are they safe?

Contact lens safety

As with many things in life, the answer isn’t simple. As long as they’re sourced from a reputable supplier, coloured contact lenses carry no greater inherent risk to eye health than ordinary contact lenses, but buying contact lenses online, particularly if you don’t already have a prescription from a qualified optometrist is ill advised.

Before wearing any contact lenses, you should always visit your optician beforehand for a thorough examination of your eyes. This is because for some people, contact lenses are simply not suitable at all and can lead to a array of problems which can damage your eye sight. This particularly applies to those people who have have suffered with eye health problems in the past such as corneal ulcers.

Although many wearers do choose coloured lenses for cosmetic reasons, it’s important to remember that contact lenses are not simply just make up. Wearers need to understand how to insert remove and care for their lenses in order to avoid becoming a real life horror story.

Happy Halloween everyone.


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